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Summer Review 2022


So, I bet all of you guys and gals have been wondering what exactly went on this Summer in Citywise? Well, wonder no more!

We kicked off the Summer in the best way we could think of with our two Venture Camps. Both camps did a number of great activities and games (whopper little game of water balloon volleyball in there), and went on plenty of trips off site including the likes of Masseys Woods, Corkagh Park, and Portmarnock Beach! It’s safe to say it was a very jam-packed week and everyone left in high spirits ready for the rest of Summer to begin. We also got to say hello to our first Ukrainian Camp member, Nicki, who fit into the boys' camp like he had always been with us.

We then got ourselves ready for the madness that is the Boys and Girls Summer Camps. Four weeks of busydays with over 200 students passing in and out of the building. It goes without saying that a lot happened over that time, but I’ll try my best to break it down for you all.

We done some excellent new activities with the camps such as deciphering coding messages, solving murder mysteries around the building [nobody was harmed and we assure you all of our staff are vetted!], and creating all assortments of arts and crafts, like friendship bracelets and masquerade masks. Our team worked tirelessly over these weeks to ensure that every child left each week either eager to get started on another camp, or on a great high from the week and ready to enjoy the rest of their summer.

We had some fantastic European Solidarity Corps (ESC from now on) staff that allowed us to expand our horizons this Summer and who gave the children the chance to ask questions about other cultures and expand their world view. The four of them, Javi, Willem, Mercedes, and Flora, really took the camps in their stride and helped to make it something unique (and we are very sad they had to return home).

Along with the Boys and Girls Camps, we were simultaneously running STEM Academy Camps for those who have an interest in computers and coding and who wanted to meet likeminded children and work on various problems togetherin a fun engaging environment. They created circuits, they coded games, and they built advanced Lego creations that, by the looks of them, could mean some interesting inventions in the future of the tech world (watch this space). They even got to explore the new Amazon Think Big Space!

Last but not least we had the Music and Drama and the Art Camps end the Summer on a very high note, with plenty of crazy creations being made and with a lovely show done by the members of the Music and Drama camp. These brave souls prepared and delivered this with great enthusiasm to an audience of family and friends and it was a great way to end the busy few weeks.

If you are wondering about what the staff done after everyone had left each day from the camps then stay tuned. Thanks to our new staff member Aaron, Citywise staff had some great outings which kept us in high spirits in order to be on the best form for Summer Camps. We done activities such as bubble football, baseball, and even a cheeky little quiz to keep the brains alert and ready for everything that was happening day to day. We then spent any other time we had making sure things were ready and of course, keeping the Really Great Citywise Draw going week by week.

So, I think I speak for everyone when I say that this summer was unforgettable!!



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