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Faces of Citywise - Our CEO!


Hopefully you learned a lot about some of our ESC volunteers in our last segment of 'Faces of Citywise.' Be sure to keep an eye out around for them, as they tend to pop up everywhere. From supervising the study to delivering activities in the STEM room, they are eager to help in any way they can. They really are a brilliant addition to the Citywise team.

The next person to feature in 'Faces of Citywise' is a well-known face around the place, our CEO Jonathon! Jonathon has been in Citywise longer than some of our staff members have been alive, although you wouldn't think it from his youthful appearance! He is known to always be around when ANYONE need's a helping hand (whether he knows you or not!!). It could be said he's like Wikipedia when it comes to anything Citywise related. Tip, he's a pro at general knowledge quiz rounds too! We decided to ask him a few things about his experience in Citywise.

"I came to Citywise to do summer camps in 1995 and haven't been able to get out since." This seems to be a common occurrence with Citywise staff, they never want to leave. "I didn't know what I was getting myself in to! My mother MADE me come - poor woman needed a break."

"I've done lots with Citywise! I've visited four different continents, countless trips and classes, worked in many different roles and made some great friends along the way. The weird thing is that I'm still here, and even weirder? I've replaced the immortal John Keogh at the reigns, as CEO. Another thing I find weird is that Citywise has grown from 12 people jumping on a bus to hundreds of young people mixing positively each day."

"All these years later, Citywise still feels like a fresh start with some new and exciting challenges to undertake. What I always say is wonderful about Citywise is the people. This wonderful thing hasn't changed in 20 odd years and I think the quality and personalities amongst the staff and volunteers is what encourages that lifelong journey of young people in the centre!"

"I come to Citywise to give young people from Tallaght the opportunities that I got. I want them to be inspired by the fact that any person can reach any position that I have if they're willing to work hard and have a positive attitude. Even when you're the only smile in the room. I come to Citywise because every day is different, and I go home each day wrecked but happy. Each day is tough but there's always that nugget where you see a plan coming to fruition or a young person / staff member finally recognizing how important they are."

"Citywise is different because of the staff and the volunteers. No matter if you're eight or 18, we want to see you and, more importantly, we want to help you have ambition and drive." Initiative is more so what he means, but over the years, he has been seen to encourage a staff member or two to pluck up the courage to get their driving license too!!! (Thanks Doyler- beep beep!).

"The people who work, volunteer and attend Citywise are some of the leaders in this community and they are the ones that will put Jobstown in the news with endless stories of positivity and success. Since I have been here, we've had doctors, pilots, nurses, youth workers, teachers, engineers and even the odd CEO. These are all people that take the message of positivity into all aspects of life and reciprocally inspire those coming next."

"I've stayed in Citywise for so long not only because the board know my address and have made some threats to my family and loved ones, but mainly because I feel wanted and appreciated here. This is a feeling I hope every single person who crosses the door receives."

"Some of my favourite things about Citywise are the people, the sense of community, the inspirational programmes, the food and the sense of achievement that we get each year. I also love the friendships that develop here and travel throughout the world!"

We couldn't have said any of this better ourselves. A true representation of what Citywise is really all about, the people!

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