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Faces of Citywise - A Colleague and Volunteer - All in One!


Week four of our 'Faces of Citywise’ blog series gives us a chance to chat with Warren, a familiar face around the building. Warren works on a programme called Bridge to College, which Citywise runs in conjunction with Trinity Access Programme. Working alongside Ciaran and Liam, Warren delivers the programme to transition year students in a number of schools around Dublin. Warren enjoys his time in Citywise so much that he now also volunteers on our Fast Track Academy, teaching Leaving Certificate History.

"I joined the Trinity Access team this year as the new coordinator of the Bridge to College Programme in Citywise! With this job, I got the best of both worlds when it came to brilliant colleagues as being based in Citywise means I am blessed with the Citywise team also!"

"I’ve a pretty random background. I graduated from Maynooth University in 2018 with my Professional Masters in Education. My teaching subjects are History, Music, CSPE, and Politics & Society! I am classically trained in Musicianship from the Royal Irish Academy and play the oboe." Maybe we can start up an oboe club to match our guitar club, what do you think Warren?

"I came to Citywise to take up the position in Trinity Access to coordinate the TAP programme, but like most, I stay for a variety of reasons. The staff at Citywise makes the place what it is! They are always chatting to students and providing support and smiles to encourage students to stand the course, no matter how tough things might get at times!"

"There are a lot of reasons why I keep coming back. The friendly hello, the smile when you walk in the door, the way staff make themselves available for a cup of tea and a chat for anyone who needs it. These are all the things that make Citywise different to anywhere else in my opinion! Through both formal and informal guidance, mentoring, leadership and peer facilitation, the staff allow all, both young people and staff, to feel immediately comfortable. What makes me want to stay is the commitment by staff to providing young people with the best shot at achieving their goals, dreams and aspirations."

"What’s my favourite thing about Citywise? Well, that’s a hard one. I guess it would have to be the staff. No matter what, they are always able to put a smile on anyone’s face! They realize that there is more to education and learning than simply the academic. They are committed to creating a special atmosphere, one in which people feel cared about and valued, but more importantly listened to. I love to see how young people involved with Citywise go onto become ambassadors and leaders in their community, helping to cater for the needs of all who come through the doors!"

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Margaret Talbot Murray
Margaret Talbot Murray
Jan 08, 2021

Keep doing what you do. A great team for Citywise and community.

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